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What is a Butterfly Knife? A Detailed Review of Balisong

Butterfly Knives

· Butterfly Knives
real butterfly knives

A butterfly knife is known to be a unique and strange knife. This knife has driven people crazy with its strange mechanism. It is very different from other knives, and this is the reason why people have accepted it all over.

As of late, it has suddenly become very popular because people use it for several different purposes. Today, I have come up with a detailed review of this knife. It is also known as a balisong knife. Let’s review its features, uses and safety measures.

A Knife With Unique Features

Butterfly knife is basically known for its unique features. There is no other knife with two handles and one blade. The two handles are movable and foldable. There is one blade that is often concealed inside these two handles.

When you close the handles, the blade is locked between them. You can unlock the handles to open the blade when needed. This knife is an excellent EDC knife because it is easy to carry.

When the handles are closed and the blade is concealed, it becomes a small stick. Therefore, you can easily carry it in your pocket.

A Knife for Playing Tricks

Balisong is a perfect knife for playing tricks. In fact, it is the most commonly used knife for this purpose. Since it has a strange mechanism, it comes up as an easier knife to play different tricks. People can try as many tricks as they want since they have two handles and one blade to play with.

A Knife for EDC Cutting

Balisong is an easy to carry knife and you can carry it on a routine basis to accomplish your daily cutting work. It has a lethal and sharp blade that you can use to complete your routine cutting tasks such as cutting grass from your backyard, cutting wires and ropes etc.

Butterfly Knife User Instructions

Butterfly knife is generally a dangerous knife to handle. Therefore, if you want to prevent injuries while using or learning this knife, use a butterfly knife trainer.


It is a practice version of this knife that is made exclusively for this purpose. It has a blunt blade that causes no harm at all. You can avoid accidental injuries. Hence, for learning, use this trainer knife!

Butterfly Knife User Instructions

Butterfly knife is generally a dangerous knife to handle. Therefore, if you want to prevent injuries while using or learning this knife, use a butterfly knife trainer.

It is a practice version of this knife that is made exclusively for this purpose. It has a blunt blade that causes no harm at all. You can avoid accidental injuries. Hence, for learning, use this trainer knife!